Monday, February 27, 2012

Let the fun begin.  Handmade delicious words from the greatest novels of all time, wrapped around bangle bracelets!  I was super excited when I sold my entire stock of these with Jane Austin, Sherlock Holmes, Pride & Prejudice and two sets from Custom Orders.  Today, I'm currently making some from a Vintage Encyclopedia, an Antique Equestrian Book, and one out of Star Wars Episode Novels!
Sherlock Homes
 Call me a hopeless Romantic, Call me an hopeless Optimist, Call me what you will...but I will never lose Hope.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Coffee Toast

Here's to starting from scratch, she lifts her coffee cup.  Here's to, today being the first day of the rest of our lives.  Here's to hearing the words of friends, "Gods way of letting you know, you should be doing this on your own."  Here's to not knowing how to do this....and here's to FINDING a way.

Here is to getting through the darkest days, because yes, it is darkest before the dawn.  BRING IT.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Rock Bottom, an interesting place to BE.

Rock bottom is an interesting place to be...this is the place where you start turning rocks over, this is the place where you find what you need, what you want, and gain perspective.  Some of the best things have happened over this past week, what I thought was a total defeat, that would send me off the cliff that is my life...has only given me more drive. You can call it desperation? Point is, I'm still here...standing strong.

At the end of the day, this much I know is true...we don't pick what builds character, it picks us, and as random as we think the world and it's circumstances might is not.  People thought that building a computer in a garage was stupid, and a ridiculous waste of time, it is the nah sayers that gives me drive at this point...that which does not kill us will make us stronger, it might sound trite, but truth is still the truth no matter how you dice it.

So, circumstances are just that, you hit a road block, well that is life and you take another turn, try out that path...this is the grit, this is where the good stuff is, so to the very interesting and special people that have done all they could to wipe me out, and kick me while I'm down? (you know who you are)

Thank you, thank you, for throwing stones at shiny things  :)

I'm reminded of a conversation with my late husband, I was taking a chain saw to these horrible bushes in the back yard, frustrated at another failed chemotherapy, and when I was done...five days later, what was under these overgrown horrible 70's fabulous weed like bushes were two flower planters, and in them...dozens of tulips.  I cried with surprise, he came out in his mask bringing me water(I had never been so hydrated) I cried, and I said, "see babe, we just have to get through the shit, to get to the good stuff."

Circumstances change, but I'm getting through the shit to get to the good stuff, Empowered, On fire, and driven. Life is Messy, but the best is yet to BE.