Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Happy Friday! I soo should have been a Detective...Never too late, I should really look into this!

Picture from Pinterest, (LOVE IT!!)
It was a normal and typical Friday morning by all accounts, I had just taken a walk to clear my head, arriving back at the house, I poured a cup of coffee and there was a crime show going (like to keep the tv on for the pups) When the main character said the following, "Sometimes the evidence is right in front of you, and you just need to step back to get perspective."

So, I thought about this, actually got goosebumps, and decided to look at things "with new eyes" Long story short, I don't care what anyone says, sometimes t.v. is just good for you!  :)   Perspective was found today, in a pile of papers long since everyone, but me.  :)  Small victories are worth their weight in gold, I really should have been a detective, maybe I should really look into that.  Tenacious is the word of the day.  Friends and Family, enjoy your weekend, wherever you are...and wishing you the very best! Oh, and don't give up...NO MATTER what you do...EVER

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