Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The Wall Street Journal • 1 year ago
- James Dimon, CEO of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., in response to a question during a hastily scheduled conference call on Thursday and after the company had reported it had taken $2 billion in trading losses in the past six weeks stemming from derivatives bets gone wrong in the bank's Chief Investment Office, which manages risk for the New York company. "J.P. Morgan Reveals ‘London Whale’-Size Losses", May 10, 2012. 

**I think I find this quote the most ironic of all today...Fannie Mae says, "They are idiots" about JPMorgan Chase. Everyone is busy pointing fingers....and I am left to drowned as a direct result of their incompetence, negligence and their continued game of bad faith. This game that only they have the rules to...and no one bats an eye do they??

What do you do? There is the cliff hanger...when you realize that it's all a game and your hands are tied with the red tape...time isn't on your side, the law isn't on your side, the bank surely isn't on your fact you realize you may have just wasted three years of your life in a Ponzi Scheme who's only Qwest is to get your property and beat you up emotionally, "there is going to come a time when you are just to emotionally exhausted and you walk away."


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