Friday, March 1, 2013

Doozy of a Week, Thanks for the Lies.

This week has been interesting.

"Our system is down, can you fax me the _________ so I can have it on file?"

Probably shouldn't call people if your "systems are down"

2 years. I know my rights. It is illegal for you to contact me, you know my lawyer of record. Why? Why do you continue on your terror of recklessness?

why do you continue with the lies?

Please don't put words in my mouth.



I spoke with a man this week that dealt with the brain damage of Chase two years ago, and is re-building his life. He gracefully says, "all water under the bridge" 

I'm just not that forgiving...but I am having a ball, listening to the lies over and over is comically sad.

Keep them coming CHase and I'll keep the recorder close by.

Love You


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