Thursday, May 31, 2012

Illinois State Representative Mike Bost Freak Out Rants Read the Bill

THIS IS HOW I FEEL...Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone stood up and told the truth?  Mike Bost, you are not alone, you are frustrated, so is the rest of America!  I agree with everything you have said, who am I? Just an American who believes that the Constitution of The United States of America Hangs in the balance.... It's all horrifying isn't it?  We have been spoon fed that we live in a Democracy, and here we are being blocked to even make a change.  TOO BIG, isn't GOOD.  So, what do we do?  There are rules, for rules for rules and all I can see is NOTHING is getting done, NOTHING is getting BETTER....I applaud you for having the guts to tell the TRUTH, it is sad that it needs to get to an explosive frustration...but hey you got "their" attention didn't you?   I have learned a brilliant lesson this week, if you can't beat em' Join them. WHEN you JOIN THEM, Then you can BEAT THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME.

You Hear That JPMORGANCHASE?  :) I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, I have found a wonderful way for you to have to LEGALLY TALK WITH ME...It's so CRAZY it is GENIUS...  Can't WAIT!!!! :)

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