Thursday, March 22, 2012


Winning isn't what I'm here to do.

Winning isn't my objective.

Winning isn't my goal.

Winning isn't my plan   
Today,  reason to celebrate. 
Dinner with friends, the grill will be turned on.
I will dance like no one is watching.
Sing like I don't care and bask in the
sunshine of today and be thankful,
for today, nothing more and nothing less.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Tragic Comedy: Chase Bank VS. Michelle in Aurora Colorado

I would put a legal disclaimer in here, but you know what...10 months is a long time, and I'm going to get very loud, and I won't apologize for it.  Enough.  So, "ta Da" here is 9 minutes and 46 seconds of some some of the highlights, lowlights, creative tweeking, and more truth than one would like to admit. Enjoy! (She shakes her head, seriously I couldn't make this crap up if I tried!) You might want to pause the ars kicking music at the bottom of the screen, so you can hear the movie! :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Flipping HYSTERICAL!!!!!!!!!!!

THE SHELL GAME                                           

I actually wanted to go with Preveracator.  Meaning: 
pre·var·i·cat·ed  pre·var·i·cat·ing

Definition of PREVARICATE

intransitive verb
: to deviate from the truth : equivocate
pre·var·i·ca·tion noun
pre·var·i·ca·tor noun


  1. Government officials prevaricated about the real costs of the project.
  2. <during the hearings the witness was willing to prevaricate in order to protect his business>
But, alas "SHELL GAME" just summed up everything so nicely that it was just a no brainer really, catchy too, kinda just jumps out at you, I also considered, "I'm Your Huckleberry" but alas that would be too confrontational, meanwhile...back at the ranch.

So, now the publisher and I are on a deadline, and as some of you know I'm racing against the clock on quite a few fronts, but as long as I have my health I will continue to keep going! :)  GodSpeed!! (she laughs wildly as she hits publish from her keyboard)


Monday, March 19, 2012

The Circus Will Eventually Leave Town SMH

You ever feel like your life is a circus and it is being run by clowns? It is Monday morning and I just got off the phone with another interesting and special although it would be great to imagine that the clown involved in all of this were a jolly, happy, friendly and funny clown, I'm well aware that the clown running the show is a bit more like Stephen King's IT, and not Bozo.  One day this circus will pack up and leave town...until then I laugh in the gaps. Warped as it may sound, this is all just adding to a book. Unbelievable. smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh smh

Friday, March 16, 2012

Fortune Favors The Bold

Last night this I received an email from Andre', and like that (she snaps her fingers) all was well with the world!  It is with great joy that I share this with you all today, Andre' asked his now finance' to marry him, at the Eiffel tower, in the most romantic city in the world, Paris on Valentine's Day.  I was able to make this booksafe with his custom message in it, and here are the pictures!  How lucky am I? He reminded me that "Fortune favors the Bold" and this quote, along with these pictures are now above my computer on my imagine board.  I know that times are tough, people are angry, the mortgage crisis has landed on my front door step, and all the other litigations which shall remain nameless, but here I am, getting through.  Andre' is a reminder that there is still good in the world, Thank you, Andre' my friend a world away, you have once again reminded me why we are all here, and to not lose hope.

Today the world is a much better place.  Wishing you all a wonderful weekend, and may Hope find you.

All my best,

Thursday, March 15, 2012


  Odds are if you have to ask the question, then you probably already know the answer. To all the sociopaths out there this is the message to you.

When your EGO gets in the way, that is when you mess up, for everything you say that you have or do not have, I have a piece of evidence...documentation that states otherwise. tisk tisk tisk  This is going to get very fun, looks like you HAVE BEEN FOUND OUT.  CHASE I like your new motto "We are Too Big To Fail" I think about other "groups" in our not too far off past that felt the same. Interesting and Special are the words of the day.  No one likes a sqweeky wheel....Ready....Set.....

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Waiting Game

The waiting game.  Here I am, it's Wednesday March 14, 2012 and I'm playing one heak of a waiting game. All of which leads me to the conclusion that time is running out.  However, I just got off the phone with a publisher, who is extremely interested in my manuscript.  Surprised is probably the word of the week.

Am I surprised that Chase still refuses to talk to me? NOPE
Am I surprised that alimony checks have stopped?  NOPE
Am I surprised that my soon to be ex bought a Porsche during a divorce? NOPE
Am I surprised Etsy shut down my shop? NOPE
Am I surprised that I have needed three lawyers during this divorce? NOPE
Am I surprised that the banks passed their Stress Tests? NOPE
Am I surprised that "Integrity" is the second word in Chase's Code Of Conduct? NOPE
Am I surprised that somehow I have developed a very warped sense of humor? NOPE

I am however surprised at the great amount that I have learned over this past 10 months, and I can't wait to publish it, it of course will be fiction...No One Will Ever Believe that ONE person could be in the middle of such a complicated mess, but here I am!  It will knock your socks off!  Meanwhile, I have interviews set up, and just plugging along  :)

What is the best Revenge?  Being happy. What is Second best? Writing it all down.  :)  Off to give baths to the pups, its a balmy 75degrees here in Denver.  It is true, it is darkest before the dawn...I will soak up the sunshine today...and hoping that all of you out there can enjoy your day!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Chase #youshouldnevertrust #OccupyNow #Chase #IfIhadthepower
 Braindamage, it's all like this...every phone call for me. What do you mean you can't talk to me? Can you acknowledge that I exist? No, Dan isn't available to speak, he passed away 4 years ago, what do you mean you don't have the paperwork? You just said that you were looking at it, it's right in front of you.

That was 7 months ago, and I'm still waiting.  Thank you, Chase Bank for leaving me with no choice to hire a lawyer, and thank you so much for refusing to fix the error as you steal the house out from under me.  I have decided that I should invite you over for dinner.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Have a Fabulous Weekend!

This is the look I get when I need to take the pups for a walk! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend, I know I sure will!  To everyone who celebrated Birthdays this week, Happy Birthday! To my trusty sidekicks who have all celebrated birthdays this past few months, I love you guys! PJ, the defender of the backyard, disguised as a Cock-a-poo, to Ozwalt who is grumpy and the incredible flying Pekingese, and Kismet who is cute, and knows it!  Dogs just make everything better. xoxox  Catch you on the flip side!

Well, You don't Know What You don't know...Until You Know it.

As the battle rages on I can see that the illustrious visits here often, so I wanted to say, "hello" thank you for effecting my stats, also that Mike says "Hi" He has been EXTREMELY helpful these past months, , he also has great insight, and much like all the others has given me the most sound suggestions, in the beginning he was very helpful with the shadow boxing aspect of everything and really really insightful to what really is going on,(although I thought what he was saying was too far fetched) of course there are others to thank as well, and I have learned new words and goggled things, my eyes are wide open. It really does help to look at the time line, and coordinate things with my journals too. It's like, duh! OF COURSE.  I wouldn't have learned so much with out all this, wow what a crash course to my doorstep. I didn't know what I didn't know...and now I do. It is truly Amazing!

Shout out to my friends and family without whom nothing would be possible, or worth it, quite frankly.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Nightmare #occupyNow #chase #IfIhadthepower

There are days like today when I have read through hundreds of stories and I'm just disgusted, I just don't understand.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Banks were Bailed Out. Were we Sold Out? Any Magic Left in this world?

When did we grow out of believing that there is still magic in this world? Call it a miracle, divine intervention, passion, call it what you will, but when did this cultural shift happen where no one is made accountable for their actions anymore?  I was told this week that we are all just a slave to the banks, and that they can do whatever they want to whom ever they want because, they have an unlimited amount of resources.

A flawed system to say the least, perhaps I haven't fully acknowledged how GREED has played it's part.  The government bailed out the banks, to the tunes of millions and millions of dollars, and quite frankly I don't care anymore whether it is the right wing or the left,  my question is did we get here?  It's a question that I'm sure has many many answers, but at the root of it the word is Greed.  If we are completely honest, no one takes anything on a personal level anymore, everything is a business transaction, and you don't throw punches at the bureaucratic machines that we have created or you will be inevitably squashed by their fully lined pockets and they will bury you under litigation so far that winning isn't really the end result.

There are days where I feel that the lesson I'm to learn in all of this is quite simple, if you don't have unlimited funds to fight for what ultimately is a losing battle, you need to pack up your belongings, and cut your losses.  How much is a moral victory worth?

I'm at a cross roads here, I either cut my losses and run like hell thankful, that I wasn't entirely gobbled up by the big bad wolf, or do I stay?  I'm at the point of this, If I'm going down, do I go down fighting?

 I was told that there are millions just like me, millions that have just walked away, because you don't stand up against the bureaucratic machines that will steam roll you.  What do you do when things have been expedited in such a way that you will run out of time, what do you do when someone wants you to just go away, and now?  What do you do when the government is too late, and the right hand no longer knows what the left hand is doing, what do you do when you look at the big picture and realize you are being swept under the rug and quickly, WHY?

The world is full of injustice, it is everywhere...and we all pick and choose our battles. I guess I should start asking myself, "Do I still believe in Good?" "Do I still believe in Magic?"  I would like to take this time to publicly introduce myself to Chase, I have talked with you many many times. I have gone into your branches, I have called you on the phone, I have sent you too many faxes to count, packets and I have jumped through your hoops, I have talked with your attorneys, I have hired an attorney in the hopes that you would acknowledge that I do infact exsist, yes I'm here in Aurora Colorado, and I do believe you KNOW my address. My name is Michelle, I'm a person, a real live person and time and time again my lawyer has implored you to not do things in bad faith.  Here we are, 9 months later and you won't talk with me, you have set auction for my home, you have refused my payments, you won't talk with me, somehow I have vanished.

Do I still believe in good?  What is a moral victory worth? 

I have a lot of decisions to make, this is messy, tragic, and 100% completely unnecessary. If nothing else, I have introduced myself, and maybe just maybe this has made a difference, if not to you....then to me.