Sunday, June 17, 2012

At Least I'm in Good Company with #JPMC She Says Laughing.

JPMorgan Chase Bank has broken The Truth in Lending Act, and Predatory Lending Laws while simultaneously committing fraud and is in direct violation of The Real Estate Settlement Procedure
Act. (allegedly of course  :) ) haha

Dearest JPMorganChase, all you needed to do was "talk" with me you know that there is still time, You should know that your lawyers have committed "attempted extortion" and this is in extreme bad faith.

You should know that I'm reading....A LOT, I've actually enrolled in classes where I'm learning more and more about Real Estate Law...and I can see concrete violations here.  What do you have to say for yourself?

My response is simple:

**Fraud can be either a civil or criminal act, and carries punitive damages and even jail time**

Oh, one more thing....When you get a second, if you could explain to me the secularization laws and why you didn't share this little secret with me...that would be greatly appreciated.

There are Real Property and Secularization Laws that you need to follow, I received an interesting letter last month....I can only conclude that this is the ol' bait and switch.  There are so many choices here...I'm going to have to pray about this pretty hard.

Perhaps you will call?
Perhaps you will stop this nonsense?
Perhaps you will realize that this is a mistake?
Perhaps you will realize ............

Like I have, that there are Laws, and Acts that have been put into place to protect people, homes and to protect the American People.

PS  I'm not angry anymore, I do not blame myself for being duped, rage will not help forge my path to victory.

At Least I'm in Good Company...I'm not just 1 in a million...I'm actually one of millions.

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