Sunday, February 10, 2013

Notes on a Sunday

Gosh, I have caused a bit of a raucous.  To all the people that I have heard from that are dealing with the nightmare of the banks, it is comforting to hear that I'm not alone. Your stories are many, I didn't know just how many until the emails started coming in. :(  I understood that when this began that people would start pointing fingers. I understood that more than ever, in this Political Climate that it would be turned into an issue of Republicans vs Democrats. Our crisis is a very hot button issue, but it is our crisis and it effects every American, everyday.

People are angry, and justifiably so. Both sides of the aisles. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.
I made a decision that I could not let this fill me with anger, and hatred, it is so toxic, it is so emotionally debilitating, that is why I signed the message (heart you)  all I have tried to do is get some communication,  so we can find a resolution.  My frustration of chasing Chase finally ended up on my garage door.

My heart goes out to my fellow Americans who have lost their homes, their health, and their lives because of all of this behavior that continues to be egregious, and full of bad faith.

 I appreciate the support of my friends and family who have been with me through this brain damage with the machine that is JPMC, from the very beginning.

My only regret...that I didn't use stencils for the message, it would have looked a bit nicer. :)

Love You,


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