Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sorry I Missed Your Visit JP Morgan Chase, Why don't you ring the doorbell?

This is probably the most fitting quote for a day like today.  For those of you that don't know what is actually happening...I have quite a few battles going on. (which is probably the most politically correct way of putting it)

It is funny, there are times where I find myself desperately searching for answers, because I don't like the one answer I keep getting.   At the base of all the problems, and the legal entanglements lies the one word explanation and ultimately the very reason that this all began. 


I was in denial about this for a long time, making excuses for everyone, that surely this isn't the case. That circumstances were so elaborate that surely this wasn't the master plan, was it? I have been told that I give too much credit to all that are involved, that at the end of the day, they are just very corrupt people, who believe that they are above the law and have no integrity.  Now, being of sound body and mind, some days more than others there are times that I forget this, there are times that I don't understand how these people can do these corrupt things.

Then I remember, oh that's right...I'm not a sociopath and will never understand why. To seek the answers from people or businesses expecting an answer or even the truth is a total waste of time, this is called brain damage.  Coming to the conclusion that I will never know the truth is hard, but I heard this fabulous quote last night, and it made all the sense in the world to me.

Don't Trust Anyone Who Lies to You,

& Don't Lie to Anyone Who Trusts You.


Looks like JP MORGAN CHASE gave me a visit and left me one of their wonderful LOVE LETTERS yesterday, notice where it says, "Please Call" "Please be ready to give your account number" "We are expecting your call today"

Really?  Are you really EXPECTING my call today? Like I was expecting for gosh, you to talk to be for what four, five months before I HAD NO CHOICE but to hire an Attorney to try to get you to talk to me??

What is this this the right arm not knowing what the left is doing? Is this your attempt to cover up a MASSIVE mistake and then be able to say, Oh, we have made contact, but have been ignored??  This is ridiculous and a massive waste of time, although I  enjoy the constant taunting and harassment of your love letters,( she says with the most sarcasm she can muster up)why don't you save the $9.00 an hour you are paying that person to put this on my door, and save the paper?

You are more than welcome to contact my lawyer, don't worry though, I'll post a really friendly sign on my door here shortly, so you WON'T have to leave this litter on MY property anymore. :)





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