Friday, April 27, 2012

A Week in Review. Happy Friday!

Well, here we are and it's Friday.  Friday is a double edged sword, it is the end of a week that ends with more questions than it began with.  More phone calls, visits, and letters that mean everything but resolution...just more frustration.  However, when Saturday morning finally arrives I know that nothing can happen for 48 hours except me working away, no hostile attacks, no more lies brought to my front door, nothing toxic is allowed in, or seeps in through my pc, my phone, or my front door.  It is lovely, truly lovely.

This is how I feel on Monday

Thursday, a little light reading.

Here is the deal, this all sucks, and it is very frustrating, but I still have my health....and the humor is not lost on any of this!!  Believe me, there are days that I just laugh hysterically....sometimes all through the day even, When you know the truly sets you free.  I'm a bit surrounded by a level of fraud that makes the most sane people think, How could you not be crazy?

Truth is, I only need to be as crazy as they need me to be, and I have to be a little crazy to fight for PRINCIPLE, INTEGRITY, and to fight against FRAUD...I don't run with the masses, Greed is not my mission.  It's going to be confusing because at the end of all of this the "special" people in my life aren't going to know what to do with someone that can't be paid off. A bit of a loose canon...gosh, that is gonna stink, isn't it??


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